Webinar Series Towards Future Trends in Technology

By 23 March 2021March 24th, 2021Events

The second session of Webinar Series Towards Future Trends in Technology was delivered by Dr. Taleb Moazzeni, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Global College of Engineering and Technology, GCET, on the 13th of March, 2021.  The webinar was on Programming and Simulation in MATLAB Simulink: From Source to Sink Block. This webinar series is organized by GEETECH student society and the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. More than 30 showed interest and registered for the webinar. The participants were engaged in the interactive webinar and have shown positive enthusiasm. It is worth mentioning that through the GCET-UWE partnership, GCET students get free MATLAB licenses, which is a widely used software among engineers, scientists, and technologists in many fields. 

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