Professor Geoffrey Elliott


Welcome to the Global College of Engineering and Technology (GCET), a vibrant and established college, dedicated to quality higher education in Engineering and Technology, with programs defined within international academic standards and aligned to the Oman Vision 2040 and its priorities.

Our College specialises in Engineering Technology education, delivered by teachers and academics who are highly qualified national and international educators. I am immensely proud of the quality of the teaching and research at GCET. We collectively believe that engineering in all its forms is the future for a healthy and progressive society. Engineering and technology offer the most dynamic, responsive, broad, and rewarding range of knowledge and skills that are needed in every aspect of our modern world. The world needs qualified Engineers with the demand for engineers in all fields growing in Oman and the rest of the World.

We endeavour to uniquely position our students for success through a curriculum of high international reputation. We lay the foundations that make our students global Engineers, who lead our world forward. We adopt modern learning and teaching strategies and techniques that enable students to develop their knowledge, skills, critical thinking, and innovation, to become successful Engineers and Technologists.

We strongly believe that our mission is not only to develop your Engineering skills but also to develop your personality and explore your talents. We strongly encourage you to participate in our sport, social and community activities in collaboration with the Students’ Council and the Students’ Services Unit. We are also very keen to hear from you through our comments and suggestions processes and through the Dean’s Open-Door policy.

On this website you can read about and hear from our staff and students, and you can also learn about the Curriculum that brings the Engineering discipline together, as well as about our departments, staff, and the support services that we provide to develop your engineering skills and knowledge. For more information, please contact our Admissions and Registration Office.

I wish you all success and prosperity in your study at GCET. We hope this is the start of a very bright future for you in your life and career.

We are delighted to welcome you to the GCET family!

Professor Geoffrey Elliott