Library Facilities
The Library can accommodate 190 seaters at the same time with two discussion rooms, individual workspaces, silent study area…
The self-service printing and photocopying service in the library is intended to cater students and staff with photocopying, printing and scanning …
Discussion room is one of the areas available in the library for students and staff that wanting to discuss or study in group for academic purpose…
The GCET Library Internet Hub available at e-learning room is a special component of the Library Reference and Information Service. The hub allows…
The GCET Library provides an unfiltered wireless Internet Hot Spot. This service is for library users with Wireless-capable devices, such as…
Library Services
All students and staff are welcome to use the resources of the library. Students and staff may borrow the materials for home, classroom or office…
A hands-on workshop to students on the following topics: citing sources and referencing, plagiarism awareness, how to use the library online…
The Library reference service is one of the service provided by library and learning resource to all GCET student and staff that needs assistance….
The librarians prepare and distribute acquisitions lists, which enumerate the new materials acquired by the library in a certain period within the semester via…
The Library guides and tutorial videos are a recorded library online video tutorial made available by the GCET Librarians that will…