
All students and staff are welcome to use the resources of the library. Students and staff may borrow the materials for home, classroom or office use. A valid GCET ID card must be presented at the circulation counter to borrow the materials. Any loss or damage of books is the responsibility of the borrower. In the event of loss or mutilation of a book or other material, the borrower is responsible for reimbursing the full cost involved in replacement of material. Borrowers must abide by the Library Circulation Policy even when they are away from GCET for vacation, research, or any other reason.

Library Borrowing Periods:

Student: two weeks (renewable)

Staff: one semester


Materials can be renewed once for another 15days unless requested by another user. For renewal of library material, the borrower may visit the Library in person or send an email through to avoid overdue fines.

Returning of Materials:

Borrowed Library Materials may be return on or before the due date to avoid overdue fines. An email notification will be sent to confirm the return from the Library/Librarian to the borrower’s email upon returning the library material.


Overdue Fines and Other Penalties:

For overdue books the following fines are imposed:

Books: .200 baisa per day, per book excluding Weekends and Holidays.

When a book is lost, the borrower should report the loss immediately to the librarian. Otherwise, the book becomes overdue and the borrower will pay the overdue fine incurred until the day the loss is reported. In addition to the payment of overdue fines the borrower will be charged the full current replacement cost of the book.

Information Literacy

A hands-on workshop to students on the following topics: citing sources and referencing, plagiarism awareness, how to use the library online catalogue or OPAC and how to use library e-resources in searching for e-books and e-journals, how to access and use UWE Blackboard to browse lecture notes, past exam papers and video recordings, how to use UWE library e-resources in searching for e-books and e-journals. This workshop is open to all students which is conducted twice in every semester to enhance student’s information literacy skills.

Reference Service

The library reference service is one of the services provided by library and learning resource to all GCET student and staff that needs assistance in using the online catalogue, citation and referencing, avoiding plagiarism and the use of plagiarism software, electronic databases from UWE library and the use of library and learning resource in general. Students and staff may contact the Librarians in real-time using our Ask GCET Librarian, live chat facilities available from the normal working hours of the library.

Acquisitions Lists

The librarians prepare and distribute acquisitions lists, which enumerate the new materials acquired by the library in a certain period within the semester via email and GCET Library Webpage. Students and staff can also search our Library Online Catalog to check the availability of other books and e-books title added to the library OPAC.

Academic Year 2021-2022

Video Tutorial

The Library guides and tutorial videos are a recorded library online video tutorial made available by the GCET Librarians that will help and guide the students and staff in using the library.

Accessing UWE Past Exam Paper (3 mins: 28 sec)
The accessing UWE Past Exam Paper video tutorial will guide the students on how to access the UWE Past Exam paper from UWE Library Website. The tutorial is very short and straight forward that will surely help the students in finding the right past exam paper that they are looking for.

GCET Library Virtual Assistant Using Google Chat(4mins)
Contact the Librarian via GCET Library Virtual Assistant using Google Chat. You can chat the Librarian individually or even video call them whenever necessary just like talking to them when you are in the library during office hours. The service is intended to support the students on the library services that can be dealt online. This service is only available during office hours from Sunday to Thursday between 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Library Overview and the Use of Library Online Catalog (GFP) (9 mins: 29 sec)
The library overview and the use of library online catalog tutorial video specifically tailored for general foundation students. The tutorial covers the general overview of the library such as the library code of conduct, borrowing policy, the different spaces in the library, the hours of service as well as the library staff. Towards the end of the tutorial it introduces how to navigate and access the library online catalog from the college website which is the easiest and fastest way to find the books on the shelves using the call number. The library catalog mobile apps and the newly launched Ask GCET Librarian, live chat service was also introduced in this tutorial.

Plagiarism Awareness and the use of Plagiarism Checker Safe Assign  (12 mins :37 sec)
The Plagiarism Awareness and Use of Safe Assign tutorial video will help students understand the meaning and know how to avoid plagiarism on their respective reports. It introduces how to use Safe Assign as a tool to check the percentage of plagiarism in the student’s paper/report. Apart from providing a plagiarism report it also shows the links where the text or sentences are being plagiarized. 

Referencing using UWE Harvard Style (20 mins:05 sec)
The Referencing using the UWE Harvard Style video tutorial was developed by GCET Librarian to answer common questions about the citation and referencing. It illustrates the difference in the construction of the reference between different types such as books, journals, e-journals, e-books, online articles, websites, videos, images, and more others. While the in-text citation is identically written regardless of the types of materials.

Referencing Tools (25 mins)

The Referencing tools tutorial video introduces some of the useful tools to help students to organize resources and generate a list of references in its correct format to be used on their assignments, projects, or research papers. The video introduces two tools which are the UWE Bristol Harvard Reference Builder, which can be accessed at the UWE website, it is an easy online tool builder for references. Whereas, the other tool which is Mendeley is a free referencing management tool that needs to be installed in their respective computers. This will help import citations and research papers from online databases or websites and can generate references.

Using Blackboard (11 mins: 59 sec)
The using blackboard tutorial video will help the UG newly enrolled students in accessing the module learning materials such as: past exam papers, lecture notes as well as lecture video recordings. The tutorial introduces the easiest way of accessing the blackboard through the direct link. The tutorial also covers the searching through course search using module code in searching for the past exam papers etc. Downloading and searching past exam papers through the UWE library website is also part of this tutorial.

Using Library Online Catalog (UG) (6 mins: 53 sec)
The using library online catalog (UG) tutorial video specifically created for undergraduate students. It covers the easiest and fastest way of finding books in the library shelves through the call number. The tutorial also includes navigating the library online catalog through the college website. Apart from searching the printed books available in the library the tutorial also covers the direct way of searching for e-books which will direct the students to the UWE library log-in page. Towards the end of the tutorial, it will show the students how to read the e-books online or download the e-books using adobe digital editing software.

Using Masader (9 mins: 53 sec)
Masader is the brand name of the Oman Virtual Science Library which provides seamless and affordable access to a wealth of global research materials. Masader is a platform allowing all Colleges and University members of Oman Research Network (OMREN) to access the electronic resources such as e-journal articles in full-text and e-books collection from a well-known database vendor like EBSCOhost, IEEE Xplore and other databases included in the platform.

Using Study Skills (5 mins: 24 sec)
The using study skills video tutorial will guide the students on how to access the available study skills on the UWE Library Website. Both Foundation Studies Students and Undergraduate students can benefit on these tutorials.

Using UWE Library Search (7 mins: 10 sec)
The using UWE Library Search video tutorial will help the students in using the UWE Library search database in finding e-resources such as e-books and e-journals from UWE Library Catalog. It also covers the ways on how to download and read the e-books online as well as e-journals.