‘Best Moodle Site 2021’

By 24 June 2021July 1st, 2021Events

GCET Award Certificates and Commendation Certificates for ‘Best Moodle Site 2021’ Delivering Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Student Support. Congratulations to all the award winners:

Best Moodle Site 2021

First Prize: Ms. Zamzam Al Rawahi 

Best Moodle Site 2021

Second Prize:  Mrs. Rahma Al Amri  

Best Moodle Site 2021: Certificate of Commendation

Dr. Javeed Hussain – ‘Certificate of Commendation for Comprehensive Moodle Content and use of Formative Quizzes’

Best Moodle Site 2021: Certificate of Commendation

Mr. Saqib Hussain & Mr. Nadeem Akhtar – ‘Certificate of Commendation for Evidence of Outstanding Student Engagement’.

Best Moodle Site 2021: Certificate of Commendation

Mr. Mario Anud Jr. & The Library Team – ‘Certificate of Commendation for Integrating and Publicizing Library Support in Moodle to Encourage Student Learning’.


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