GCET Award Certificates and Commendation Certificates for ‘Best Moodle Site 2021’ Delivering Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Student Support. Congratulations to all the award winners:
Best Moodle Site 2021
First Prize: Ms. Zamzam Al Rawahi
Best Moodle Site 2021
Second Prize: Mrs. Rahma Al Amri
Best Moodle Site 2021: Certificate of Commendation
Dr. Javeed Hussain – ‘Certificate of Commendation for Comprehensive Moodle Content and use of Formative Quizzes’
Best Moodle Site 2021: Certificate of Commendation
Mr. Saqib Hussain & Mr. Nadeem Akhtar – ‘Certificate of Commendation for Evidence of Outstanding Student Engagement’.
Best Moodle Site 2021: Certificate of Commendation
Mr. Mario Anud Jr. & The Library Team – ‘Certificate of Commendation for Integrating and Publicizing Library Support in Moodle to Encourage Student Learning’.